Care Team

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

– John 13:35

Care Ministry is devoted to equipping and encouraging people within the church to love and care for others as we are called to do in Scripture.

We have a team of dedicated people available to help you or someone you know in the community in need of prayer and care. Contact us if we can help.

Here are some of the ways we are caring for others in our community:

Care and Shares – provides for the casual care needs of our homebound members or families in need, encourages members by sending cards or notes or making a visit, performs outside work or minor house repairs, and provides transportation to appointments or church.

Hospital Visits – are conducted by trained team members to visit members in the hospital and Rehabilitation Facilities.

Shut-in Visits – are conducted by trained team members for visiting shut-ins on a monthly basis.

Meal Ministry – is a ministry to provide meals for:

  • New Mothers
  • Members released from the hospital or families dealing with crisis in their lives
  • Funeral Receptions

Stephen Ministers – are trained members who provide one-to–one Christian care to people in our congregation and community who are experiencing grief, divorce, hospitalization, job loss, disability, or other difficulties.

Marriage Mentors – equip couples for healthy and joyful marriage by teaching vital relationship skills through couple-to-couple relationships.

Friendship Ministry – is a way to serve those with developmental disabilities by showing and teaching them God’s love

Red Cross Blood Drive – serves the community at large as volunteers host blood drives semi-annually.

Cross Borders Partners – assists those in our community who are financially in need of furniture, household items and clothing. It collects and sends clothes within the states as well as internationally to those experiencing a disaster or poverty.

​To learn more about ways you can serve, contact us.